A classic British Dorset apple cake with a cup of tea on a cool autumn day is hard to beat. This simple recipe is full of...
This is a heaIthy twist on an apple and blackberry crumble recipe. It’s made with muesli, oats and nuts for extra crunch. Ingredients For the...
Crab apples jelly fall into two camps – the native British ones that are found in country hedgerows and the pretty little ornamental ones that are...
Blackberry and pear crumble are at their best in in this crumble recipe – just right for early autumn as the evenings start to turn chilly...
Making a batch of blackberry jam is a wonderful way to bottle the last of summer’s warmth. A sugar thermometer guarantees a good set, but if...
The late summer and early autumn Hedgerow jelly provides lots of great produce, including blackberries, sloes, damsons, rose hips, haws, elderberries, rowan berries and crab apples....
Make the most of blackberry season with these easy muffins that taste like you’re eating blackberry crumble for breakfast! The hazelnuts are the perfect autumnal complement....
This classic pork chop dinner is full of winter flavours – perfect after a long walk. If you can’t find sloes you could use plums or...
These sweet pierogi topped with crystallised mint make for an impressive dessert. You could try adding strawberries and raspberries to this recipe or using any summer...
Vegetarian dumplings can balance out a meat-heavy Chinese meal. These are fragrant, savoury and delicious. Ingredients 4 tbsp vegetable oil 50g/1¾oz morning glory, finely sliced (available...