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Coconut Chilli Samoosas Recipe



The well-known technique of preparing samoosas can be tweaked and sweetened, to provide a delectable addition to your Diwali tray of dainties this year.

PREP TIME: 30 minutes
COOKING TIME: 45 minutes
SERVES: Makes 48

Recipe Ingredients

– 48 thawed samoosa pastry ready-to-fill lengths
– Sloppy paste of flour and water for “glue”
– Sunflower oil for frying


– 2 slabs of dark, chilli- chocolate (2 x 100 g)
– 210 g desiccated coconut (750 ml)
– 45ml rosewater
– 24 Cardamom pods, crushed open, and their black seeds ground to a powder
– 175ml canned Coconut Cream

Recipe Method

* Open the pack of thawed pastry strips onto the kitchen worktop, and cover with a damp cloth.

* In a small bowl, mix a little flour and water together to a runny paste. Set aside.

* Snap each chocolate slab into its demarcated squares. Break each of these roughly in half or thirds, to yield a total of 48 pieces. Set aside.

* In a medium bowl, combine all the remaining filling ingredients.

* Roll and fill each pastry strip in samoosa fashion, using a teaspoon of coconut filling, a piece of chocolate pressed down the centre, and then covered by generously filling the cavity with more coconut before completing the folding process.

* Close off each samoosa pastry end, with a smear of flour paste “glue”, and set aside under a damp towel until ready to fry.

* Briefly fry 2-3 at a time, in 3 cm deep, hot oil, spooning the oil over the top of each samoosa as it fries, to ensure a lovely crisp result. Turn once, and when golden, transfer to a wire rack positioned over the newspaper, to drain thoroughly but still remain crisp.

* Enjoy warm and freshly fried, with a scattering of poppy or sesame seeds over, or at room temperature later on.

Hints & Tips

Samoosa pastry is similar to filo pastry with regard to it drying out quickly if not kept covered by a damp cloth, before, during and after the fold-and-fill process.

Source – cooking365.co.za


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