Cooking Tips

Valli Little’s lamb, zucchini and haloumi burgers with sesame salt



How to Make Valli Little’s Lamb, Zucchini and Haloumi Burgers with Sesame Salt

Making Valli Little’s Lamb, Zucchini and Haloumi Burgers with Sesame Salt is a delicious and easy meal to prepare. To begin, you will need the following ingredients:

– 500g minced lamb
– 2 zucchinis, grated
– 2 cloves garlic, crushed
– 2 tablespoons chopped fresh oregano
– 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint
– 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
– 2 tablespoons olive oil
– 200g haloumi, grated
– 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
– 2 tablespoons sea salt

Once you have gathered all of the ingredients, you can begin to prepare the burgers.

1. In a large bowl, combine the minced lamb, grated zucchini, garlic, oregano, mint, parsley and olive oil. Mix together until all of the ingredients are evenly distributed.

2. Form the mixture into 8 patties.

3. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the patties to the pan and cook for 4-5 minutes on each side, or until cooked through.

4. Once the patties are cooked, remove them from the pan and set aside.

5. In a separate bowl, combine the grated haloumi, sesame seeds and sea salt.

6. Place the haloumi mixture on top of each patty and press down lightly.

7. Return the patties to the pan and cook for a further 2-3 minutes, or until the haloumi is golden and crispy.

8. Serve the burgers with your favourite accompaniments.



Creative Ways to Use Sesame Salt in Your Cooking

1. Sprinkle sesame salt on top of roasted vegetables. This will add a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture to your dish.

2. Add sesame salt to your favorite stir-fry recipes. This will give the dish a unique flavor and a hint of sweetness.

3. Use sesame salt to season grilled meats. This will give the meat a savory flavor and a nice crunch.

4. Sprinkle sesame salt on top of salads. This will add a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture to your salad.

5. Use sesame salt to season fish. This will give the fish a unique flavor and a hint of sweetness.

6. Add sesame salt to your favorite soups. This will give the soup a unique flavor and a hint of sweetness.

7. Sprinkle sesame salt on top of noodles. This will give the noodles a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture.

8. Use sesame salt to season popcorn. This will give the popcorn a unique flavor and a hint of sweetness.

9. Add sesame salt to your favorite sauces. This will give the sauce a unique flavor and a hint of sweetness.

10. Sprinkle sesame salt on top of desserts. This will give the dessert a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture.


Valli Little’s lamb, zucchini and haloumi burgers with sesame salt


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