A fragrant and filling southern Thai dish with peanuts and potatoes – a delicious slow cooker alternative to Thai green curry. Ingredients 500g/1lb 2oz new potatoes,...
Bulking out a Slow cooker Thai green chicken curry with vegetables is a great way to stretch a small amount of meat to keep the cost...
Vietnamese-style tofu burger, a sweet, spicy dressing and mountains of fresh, crunchy vegetables – Gaz Oakley’s vegan tofu burger is a flavour bomb! Ingredients For...
These tasty chickpea burgers are easy to make and brilliant for a healthy family dinner. The burgers are freezer friendly so perfect for making ahead. They’re...
A classic IndianAloo gobi tawa burgers but not as you know it! Nestled between soft toasted burger buns is a spicy potato and cauliflower patty and...
One of the UK’s favourite curries, Slow cooker chicken tikka masala is traditionally made in three stages. Firstly, the chicken is marinated in spiced yoghurt, then...
Turkey bolognese: This is a heaIthier version of traditional spaghetti bolognese, with low-fat turkey mince replacing beef. Ingredients 3 tbsp olive oil 2 carrots, peeled and finely...
This is a simple and tasty pasta recipe – perfect for students Penne with spicy tomato and mozzarella sauce. Add more or less chilli to taste....
A quick and easy pasta dish that’s sure to be a weeknight winner. Pork Sausage fennel and pecorino conchiglie are a match made in heaven and...
This heaIthy prawn spaghetti recipe is given a bit of a spicy kick with the addition of chilli flakes. Ingredients 125g/4½oz spaghetti or linguine 150g/5½oz broccoli, cut into...