Flaming Slow Cooker Pork recipe. If you are not a pork fan, substitute chicken breasts! Blazing hot peppers highlight this dish! Pork tenderloin is slow-cooked with...
Lamb soup recipe. This recipe is all about pairing crisp vegetables with juicy bits of leftover lamb. Adding pulled roast lamb shoulder to the zucchini and...
Creamy bacon carbonara recipe. This deliciously creamy carbonara is a fabulous meal for those nights when you don’t have much time to spend in the kitchen....
Salsa Chicken recipe. This salsa chicken recipe is very easy and quick! You can use mild, medium, or hot salsa depending on your taste. It’s usually...
Spinach and Strawberry Salad recipe. This spinach strawberry salad is all year-round, if we can find strawberries. Even the grandchildren love this salad. Quick and easy....
Caramelised potato bake recipe. Drizzled with golden syrup, this creamy, cheesy potato bake is like nothing you’ve ever tasted before. 1h 20m prep 20m cook 6...
Green beans with garlic and turmeric recipe. A tasty take on a favourite weeknight staple. 5 Ingredients * 500g green beans, trimmed * 20g butter *...
Cream cheese apple cake recipe. The smell of sweet apples and fragrant scents of cinnamon will waft throughout your house as this cream cheese apple cake...
Easter Bunny Cake recipe. This bunny cake is so simple to make for Easter, using two coconut cakes shaped to look like a bunny head! Prep...
Braided Easter Egg Bread recipe. This Easter bread makes a beautiful centrepiece for your holiday table. The braided dough is decorated with whole eggs that bake...