Celeb Gossip

Grootman’s EIectrifying 6th TL0F TL0F VlDE0 Grinding Gcinile with his Huge DlCK Captivates GlobaI Audience



From LocaI Fame to lnternational AccIaim: Grootman’s EIectrifying VlDE0 Grinding Gcinile with his Huge DlCK Captivates GlobaI Audience

Accordong to Cooking365, international p_0rn SlTE such P_0rnhvb, **VlDEOS and others have upIoaded the tape on their SlTES for free.

Themba Selahle a.k.a Grootman and Gcinile Twala have been tr3nding on various social media platforms after their s*x tape Ieaked on Monday.

According to Cooking365, Gcinile is terrified, as she will Iive with it for the rest of her life.

Another source close to her said she is already carrying the cross of shame, prejvdice, and judgment from South Africans, who have been crvcifying her since the 0rdeal became public.

“More than anything, she feels bad about putting her family through such shame. On top of that, my friend will be known by international and local p_0rn webs!tes for something that was meant to be pr!vate,” said the source.

“The source added that she knew the s_x tape was going to be viraI at some point after she dumped Grootman. There was nothing he could use to control her anymore except for the tape.”

“The source added that Gcinile was done being in a relationship where she was controlled for material things. When all his attempts to get back with her failed, suddenly their s_x tape was Ieaked. Grootman is definitely enjoying the attention he is getting.”





Meanwhile in other Entertainment news: Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes kicks off a new tril0gy





Matt Reeves’s Planet of the Apes films are masterpieces of m0dern sci-fi cinema. Can new director Wes Ball recapture that magic with a new story set hundreds of years later?

They say those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Hollywood adheres to a much more svccinct alternative to that famous old adage: “Learn history. Repeat it.” As much as this chronic franchise regvrgitation irks some, Hollywood occasionally gets it right. It just all depends on what was learnt.





When Tim Burton reb00ted the classic 1960s Planet of the Apes franchise back in 2001, what he had seemingly learnt from history was “Ape costumes, pl0t twist”. That’s it. Fans yelled for him to take his hands off the franchise immediately. When director Rupert Wyatt and writers Amanda Silver and Rick Jaffa took another swing at a reb00t in 2011 though, they had learnt well from history, and Rise of the Planet of the Apes was a huge hit.


What Wyatt and his team learnt is that at the core of that 0riginal far-fetched tale about a future society ruled by intelligent apes after hvmanity had devolved into near Neanderthals were several in-depth treatises on the human c0ndition. M0rality, c0mpassion, h0nour, the h0rrors of w@r, social acceptance, love – that’s what made these stories resonate for decades.

When filmmaker Matt Reeves continued this reb00ted tale with his two masterpiece follow-ups, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and War for the Planet of the Apes, he elevated things even further, narratively and technically, to give us arguably the best Hollywood sci-fi tril0gy of the modern age.

And now here we are, seven years after Reeves wrapped up the hugely em0tional and epic tale of pr0to simian leader Caesar, with another Planet of the Apes film. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is not a reb00t but a sequeI, as new director Wes Ball – with the returning writing duo of Silver and Jaffa – tells a tale set “many generations later”. This is a time where, ironically, history has mostly been forgotten.

When the audience meets Noa (Owen Teague), a young member of the bird-rearing Eagle Tribe of apes, he and his people do not even know the story of Caesar. Silver and Jaffa do, of course, and want to keep reminding us of it.


As Noa’s encounter with a human girl named Mae (Freya Allen) sets into motion a series of tr@gic events which force him to venture far outside the only world he knew, one can’t help but continuously see the similarities of what came before. A young ape hero, thrvst into a confIict he did not ask for; a wise 0rangutan companion advising the hero; a young girl whom the apes come to care for; and an adversariaI ape, hungry for power, who will do anything – even kiII his fellow s!mians – to get it. It echoes just a sm!dge too much, and it takes until the final act before the filmmakers break away to take the big narrative swings the franchise has always been known for.

Despite that familiarity, N0a is certainly no Caesar. Although starting with strong em0tional roots, his arc is simply not as well developed. Instead, it’s Mae’s mysteri0us backstory that continually lntrigues, while Raka (Peter Macon), the last of a group of learned 0rangutans who remember Caesar and r3vere his teachings almost religiously, steals nearly every scene he’s in with his affable charm. Even Pr0ximus Caesar (Kevin Durand), the vicious ruler of a group of apes who has twisted his namesake’s words to his own ambitious ends, gets a more memorable showing than our lntrepid hero.

This lack of depth is not just resigned to Noa but pops up in a few other places in the script. Silver and Jaffa tackle all the relevant narrative talking points that have been a staple of this franchise, and throw in a couple of new wrinkIes as well, but the story doesn’t always have all the meat needed for maximum n0urishment.

It could though.

By the end of the film’s two-hour-plus runtime, there are some interesting ideas hauled out. This is clearly just the opening chapter of what the filmmakers plan to be a new tril0gy, and this writer is very much on board with seeing where Noa’s tale goes, as it already goes to some interesting places here. In fact, despite some of the perceived negativity in this review till now, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is far from a bad film.

Much like the previous tril0gy, this latest movie is a technical marvel and the thrice-Oscar nominated VFX work to bring these apes to life is still in full staggering effect. The motion capture work from the actors is also unif0rmly superb, with digital an!mation bordering on the supernaturaI, perfectly seIIing every single em0tional beat with sh0cking reaIism. As the main human cast member, Allen also delivers. Mae is a character far more complex than lnitially perceived and the young actress handles it well.

Meanwhile, Ball, who made his name with the action-heavy Maze Runner series, brings a surprising deftness to his direction. While he’s definitely no Matt Reeves, with a few dramatic beats feeling a tad unearned, Ball acquits himself admirably in the end. He also films this post-apocalyptic world beautifully, offering staggering nature cinematography as he opts for on-location sh00ting seamlessly blended with digital effects.

The result overall is a solid new entry in this celebrated franchise that sets up a very lntriguing future. Yes, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, with its monkey-see-monkey-do scripting and new lead Noa being upstaged by the characters around him, is not as overtly magnificent as its predecess0rs, but if there’s one thing apes can do well, it’s climb higher.



Grootman’s EIectrifying


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