Celeb Gossip

Connie Ferguson Reveals Something Deep About Her Late Husband That Left Mzansi Stunned!



Remembering her husband on the day, Connie Ferguson said she could not believe it had been two years since his “transition”.

“Time has become so strange to comprehend,” she wrote. “You’re still so alive in my heart and in my mind and in the memories we shared.”

“I still feel your presence so much, but the thought of never seeing you in your physical form again overwhelms me from time to time. But the Lord has cuddled me and our beautiful family in His arms, and we continue to move, to hope, to dream,” she continued in the caption of a series of photos and videos of the two of them.



I see a lot of woman are affected by the death of Shona, we all are but woman are affected emotionally because for some reason they “they feel the pain of Connie because of how Shona loved her”, so they loved how Shona loved Connie. So the message send is, Shona was a great lover, that he was but there are things I think those who envy this love seem to miss.

1. This was not a one sided relationship, Connie brought herself to the relationship, and brought herself in full. She was an equal partner who contributed to the business and wealth, the ideas and growth of the business. At some point they acted in the same production. So Connie worked her butt out, she didn’t wait for Shona to make all the money and all she did was depend on that money by sitting an nagging.

2. Shona was playful and jolly, Connie didn’t try to change Shona, she accepted him as he is and allowed him to be playful, in one interview they say, “one thing we don’t take ourselves to serious, we play when we have time to do so”. Most women try to change men instead of loving them as they are, they spend most of their time in relationship trying to change men instead of allowing them to be who they are and grow who they are. In one instergram posts she posts half naked body picture of Shona and writes ” this is my husband, my friend, he hates clothes but it’s fine as long as she appears decent in public”. Don’t try and change what you fell in love with, mould and built what you fell in love with.

3. In one interview they say “nothing is personal, especially in business, we differ and we allow ourselves to disagree in business decisions”. Connie didn’t expect to be always right and believe that disagreements or difference in opinion suggests less love. They didn’t agree for the sake of agreeing and peace, they agreed because decision was progressive.

4. They took lots of pictures, beautiful pictures, they looked happy, it is not only Connie who look happy in the pictures, Shona equally look very happy therefore, don’t only wish for a man like Shona, you must also be a woman like Connie, who makes Shona happy the same way Shona makes Connie happy.

5. Connie allowed Shona to be a man, didn’t try to compete with him in that role, she says “he is a father to the kids, all the kids and I can’t get involved when he is fathering the kids.”. Connie knew her place, stayed in her lane and respected Shona’s role.

6. Connie is beautiful, she kept her beauty, in all the pictures, be at home or in public, o tlhapile o skoon, she’s dressed in an attractive manner for her husband. At no point is she dressed in some gown or old track pants that are loose, shapeless and directionless, le tlhape le lona.

7. Remember, like every couple, they had their fights, they chose to keep that private, that’s why we know less about them.

8. Connie is 3yrs older than Shona but she submitted, if you didn’t know this, you wouldn’t see it, Connie was not a control freak
It is fine to wish for a Shona like man but don’t forget to be a Connie like woman.



Connie Ferguson Reveals


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