
Caribbean pavlova



This Caribbean pavlova makes a spectacular dessert, piled high with fresh mango and passion fruit, roasted pineapple and coconut, and drizzled with toffee sauce. Better still, it can be made in advance.



For the pavlova

  • 3 large free-range egg whites, or 90g/3¼oz egg whites from a carton
  • 1 tsp white wine vinegar
  • 180g/6¼oz white caster sugar
  • ½ tsp cream of tartar

For the toffee sauce (see tip)

  • 125g/4½oz white caster sugar
  • 50g/1¾oz unsalted butter, cut in cubes
  • 250ml/9fl oz double cream

For the filling

  • 1 ripe pineapple, peeled, cut into wedges
  • 2 tbsp white caster sugar
  • 1 ripe mango, peeled, halved, stone removed
  • 1 lime, halved
  • 2 passion fruits, halved, pulp scooped out
  • fresh coconut wedges
  • 300ml/½ pint whipping cream



  1. Preheat the oven to 120C/100C Fan/Gas ½. Draw a 20cm/8in circle (I draw round a pan lid) on a sheet of baking paper, turn the paper upside down and place on a baking sheet (you should still be able to see the circle).

  2. Using an electric hand mixer at a medium speed, whisk the egg whites and vinegar until soft peaks form. Gradually whisk in the sugar, a large spoonful at a time, increasing the speed to high. Continue whisking at high speed until the peaks are firm and glossy.

  3. Spoon the mixture into the circle on the baking sheet to make a messy mound. Bake for 4–5 hours until the meringue is bone dry. Let it cool slightly, then gently lift it from the baking paper onto a serving plate. (See the recipe tips for a reduced cooking time.)

  4. To make the toffee sauce, put the sugar into a heavy-bottomed saucepan over a medium heat and leave it to dissolve, without stirring – swirl the pan to help the sugar dissolve evenly. The sugar will turn a dark caramel colour. Turn the heat to low.

  5. Add the butter and when it has melted, gently whisk until it is combined. Using the whisk, stir in the double cream. Turn the heat back to medium until the sauce comes to the boil; when bubbles appear, remove from the heat. CAUTION: this will be extremely hot. Set aside to cool.

  6. Heat a large griddle pan until very hot. Add the pineapple wedges and sear for a minute, until griddle marks appear. Sprinkle with the sugar, turn and sear on the other side. Set aside.

  7. Cut the mango into wedges and squeeze lime juice over the mango. Set aside.

  8. Heat a frying pan over a medium heat. Grate shavings of coconut into the pan and toast until golden brown. Set aside.

  9. Whisk the cream until soft peaks form.

  10. If the toffee sauce has become too thick to drizzle, gently heat it through, then leave to cool slightly.

  11. To assemble, place a spoon into the middle of the pavlova and break down the top layer of meringue. Remove the broken pieces and set aside.

  12. Spoon the whipped cream into the pavlova. Arrange the grilled pineapple and mango wedges on the cream. Roughly crunch the shards of broken pavlova on top, then add the roasted coconut. Drizzle the passion fruit around the top and the sides. Using a spoon, drizzle some of the toffee sauce over the pavlova – not too much or it will be too sweet.

  13. Put the remaining toffee sauce in a jug and serve alongside the pavlova.



Caribbean pavlova


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