This Syrian-inspired flatbread is topped with gently spiced Lamb sfiha or beef and finished with lemon zest, red onion and fresh parsley – perfect for a...
A simple and adaptable recipe to make salad a satisfying main meal. The key is getting the right balance of flavours and texture. Choose a mixture...
The Bramley apples in these easy puff pastry pies pair perfectly with marzipan for a sweet tart hand pie. Puff pastry apple pies Ingredients 750g/1½lb Bramley apples,...
These little Mini quiches are easily adapted to suit your favourite flavours and are great eaten warm or cold, making them perfect for lunch boxes and...
Quick d0sas with spicy potato filling are Indian pancakes often filled with spicy potatoes and served with fresh chutney or sambar. This recipe is quick, easy...
Slathered with butter, these tattie (potato) scones are so good. They’re great with a bit of Marmite too, or you can go down the sweet route...
The classic Chicken tartiflette, which is a dish of potato, bacon, onions and Reblochon cheese traditional in the Alps. Choose a smoked cured ham of your...
This is a meatball dish you will not forget in a hurry! A winning combination of pork and fennel is topped with creamy homemade ricotta for...
Juicy, sun-soaked tomatoes are accented with pops of heat from the red onion and salty capers in this laid-back Italian-style salad. Ingredients 400g/14oz small, ripe tomatoes,...
Ricotta is eaten for breakfast in Italy and also works well as a snack. Cinnamon adds sweetness without sugar and blueberries are a relatively low-sugar fruit....