
15-minute Mezze Plate With Toasted Za’atar Pita Bread



How to Create a Delicious 15-Minute Mezze Plate With Toasted Za’atar Pita Bread

Creating a delicious mezze plate with toasted za’atar pita bread is a simple and quick way to enjoy a flavorful meal. This 15-minute meal is perfect for a light lunch or dinner and can be easily customized to suit your tastes.

To begin, preheat your oven to 350°F. Take two pita breads and cut them into wedges. Place the wedges on a baking sheet and brush them with olive oil. Sprinkle the wedges with za’atar, a Middle Eastern spice blend made from sesame seeds, sumac, and other spices. Bake the wedges for 8-10 minutes, or until they are golden and crispy.

While the pita wedges are baking, prepare the other components of your mezze plate. Start by slicing some cucumbers and tomatoes and arranging them on a plate. Add some olives, feta cheese, and hummus. You can also add some roasted red peppers or other vegetables of your choice.

Once the pita wedges are done baking, let them cool for a few minutes before adding them to the plate. Serve the mezze plate with a side of tzatziki sauce or a simple vinaigrette.

Enjoy your delicious 15-minute mezze plate with toasted za’atar pita bread! This flavorful meal is sure to be a hit with your family and friends.



15-minute Mezze Plate With Toasted Za’atar Pita Bread


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